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Here Reading homework that i got from lecture, :-*

BY :

Anecdote is a text which retells funny and unusual incidents in fact or imagination
The purpose is to entertain the readers.

Generic structure of Anecdote text
1. Abstract
2. Orientation
3. Crisis
4. Reaction
5. Coda 

Language Feature of Anecdote :
•Using exclamation words; it's awful!, it's wonderful!, etc
•Using imperative; listen to this
•Using rhetoric question; do you know what?
•Using action verb; go, write, etc
•Using conjunction of time; then, afterward
•Using simple past tense

Example of Anecdote :
Snake in the Bathroom
How would you like to find a snake in you bath?
We had just moved into a new house, which had been empty for so long that everything was in a terrible mess. Anna and I decided that we would clean the bath first, so we set to, and turned on the tap.
Suddenly to my horror, a snake's head appeared in the plug hole. Then out slithered the rest of his long thin body. He twisted and turned on the slippery bottom of the bath, spitting and hissing at us.
For an instant I stood there quite paralyzed. Then I yelled for my husband, who luckily came running and killed the snake with the handle of a broom.
Anna, who was only three at the time, was quite interested in the whole business. Indeed I had to pull her out of the way or she'd probably have lean over the bath to get a better look.
We found out later that it was a black mamba, a poisonous kind of snake. It had obviously been fast asleep, curled up at the bottom of the nice warm water-pipe. It must have had an awful shock when the cold water came trickling down! But nothing to the shock I got! Ever since then I've always put the plug in firmly before running the bath water
the bath water.

Generic structure analysis :
1.Abstract : How would you like to find a snake in your bath? A nasty one too!
2.Orientation : We had just moved into a new house, which had been empty for so long that everything was in a terrible mess. Anna and I decided we would clean the bath first, so we set to, and turned on the tap.
3.Crisis : Suddenly to my horror, a snake’s head appeared in the plug-hole. Then out slithered the rest of his long thin body. He twisted and turned on the slippery bottom of the bath, spitting and hissing at us.
4.Incident : For an instant I stood there quite paralysed. Then I yelled for my husband, who luckily came running and killed the snake with the handle of a broom. Anna, who was only three at the time, was quite interested in the whole business. Indeed I had to pull her out of the way or she’d probably have leant over the bath to get a better look!

5.Coda : Ever since then I’ve always put the plug in firmly before running the bath water.
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